Nanuet, NY Personal Injury Lawyer

yonkers NY Injury Attorney

Acts of negligence vary. Drivers might recklessly merge into lanes, striking other cars. Homeowners might fail to address broken floorboards, injuring guests. Regardless of the reason for your personal injury lawsuit in Nanuet, our attorneys can help you get the damages you need.

There are several things victims can do to intentionally create a strong personal injury claim against a negligent party in Nanuet. For example, you should prioritize preserving evidence left at the scene. You can do this by taking pictures of your injuries, talking to eyewitnesses, and making a police report. Documenting your physical injuries in hospital medical records is also important. Throughout your case, our attorneys can help you keep track of all incurred damages, both financial and emotional, so that we can estimate your deserved recovery. We can also oversee your case to make sure its filed on time and within New York’s statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits, which is three years.

By calling The Martello Law Firm, PLLC at (914) 685-6950, you can set up a free case review from our Nanuet, NY personal injury lawyers.

Making a Checklist for a Personal Injury Claim in Nanuet, NY

Although personal injury claims vary from case to case, they follow similar timelines. This makes it so victims can easily create checklists to follow throughout their claims. Basic things to add to your checklist include preserving evidence, meeting reporting and filing requirements, documenting your injuries, and keeping track of your damages. As for our part, our attorneys can thoroughly investigate the incident to compile evidence and present it in a compelling way for the jury, if your case goes to trial. If you settle out of court, we can leverage evidence so that the defendant agrees to an appropriate settlement.

Preserve Evidence

One of the most important things victims can do to help their personal injury claims is preserve evidence. For example, when car accidents happen, first responders clear away the scenes quickly. While they do this to protect other drivers from danger, it means that victims might lose access to certain evidence.

To make sure this does not happen to you, photograph everything of note at the scene. For example, if you tripped in a department store because of a broken floor tile, photograph the hazard. Victims should take pictures of their injuries as well. You can also talk to eyewitnesses to get their contact information so that it is easier to track them down in the future to get their statements.

When investigating your case, our personal injury lawyers can survey the accident’s location to identify possible sources of surveillance footage. Acting quickly to obtain video footage is important, as the owner could delete it if too much time passes and they are unaware of its relevance to your injury lawsuit in Nanuet.

Meet Reporting Requirements

You should also call and speak to the police. Even accidents that seem minor at first could cause severe injuries that lead victims to sue negligent parties. Without documentation of the accident, you might have difficulty proving certain elements of your claim. We can get the police report from the Clarkstown Police Department, which responds to accidents in Nanuet. If you were hurt in an auto accident, you must report it to law enforcement in the area.

Document Your Physical Injuries

Because your injuries will be the basis of your claim, you must prove they exist. To do this, you should go to the hospital immediately after a negligent party injures you. Do not wait days or even hours to do this; go right away.

When you call 911, you can ask for police officers and emergency medical services to come to the scene. Allow medical professionals to assess you and accept the care they offer you. If doctors refer you to specific specialists, follow their advice. For example, victims who sustain traumatic brain injuries might need specialized care from a neurologist. Other victims might need physical therapy treatment or special surgeries to aid their physical recoveries.

Document all treatment you receive so that our attorneys can present your medical records as evidence of injury in your case.

Meet the Filing Deadline

New York imposes strict filing deadlines imposed on personal injury claims in Nanuet. Generally speaking, victims must file injury lawsuits within three years of an accident, according to C.V.P. Law § 214(5). If a victim was unaware of their injuries for some time after an incident, they might get tolling of the statute of limitations for delayed discovery. In these cases, the clock would start counting down on the day a victim discovered their injuries.

If your claim is against a government agency in New York, you must file a notice of a claim before bringing your lawsuit and within 90 days of sustaining an injury.

Keep Track of Your Damages

From the moment an accident happens, victims should start tracking their damages. This includes property damage, medical bills, lost income, and any other out-of-pocket costs. If you get any invoices from your treatment, give them to our lawyers. If you cannot work because of your injuries, give us your employment records and wage information so that we can factor your lost wages into your financial damages.

Monitor your emotional well-being, too. In Nanuet, victims can recover compensation for their pain and suffering caused by negligence. Suppose you were hurt in an auto accident. In that case, our attorneys can compare your injuries to New York’s serious injury threshold to determine if you can file a lawsuit for non-economic damages.

By explaining the severity of your physical pain, how long it has lasted, and how your specific injuries have impacted your quality of life, you may have a higher chance of recovering non-economic damages at trial in Nanuet.

Call Our Lawyers in Nanuet, NY to Discuss Your Injury Claim Today

The Martello Law Firm, PLLC can assess your case for free when you call our personal injury lawyers today at (914) 685-6950.

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